
Game Painting Game Painting
Adobe Photoshop Adobe logo Adobe - Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop software.
The professional image and editing standard, Photoshop helps you work more efficiently, explore new creative options and produce highest quality images for print, Web and anywhere else. Create exceptional imagery with easier access to file data; streamlined Website designs; faster, professional quality photo retouching and more.

line Jasc Paint Shop Pro Jasc logoJasc - Paint Shop Pro
Paint Shop Pro is a complete, easy to use software for producing good digital imaging results. Combining automatic and precision tools with an integrated learning system, Paint Shop Pro helps you produce professional results with power an ease. This affordable graphic program does not have the precision or power and quality of the well know Photoshop.

line Hyperionics Hyper Snap screen capture Hyperionics logoHyperionics - Hyper Snap
Screen capture and image editing tool for Windows. Captures screens from standard desktop programs and hard-to-grab DirectX/Direct3D, Voodoo and Glide mode games. This program can auto-scroll and concurrently capture long web pages and other documents, enabling it to grab more than is visible on the screen. It Can also resize and
capture entire windows much bigger than the screen on Windows XP. The program integrates with the Windows clipboard, and has new painting and editing features too.


99 Fraps99
This Benchmarking software has frame rates on screen or log them to file. Calculate the averaging frame rate between any two points of time. Screen capture screen shots at the press of a button and it automatically places a name and time stamping. Movie maker software can record real time in your favorite game to a high quality AVI video file for out of game viewing.

line Modelers Information BEST MODEL Software Sites
Here is a good size archive of available websites containing some of the most sought after modeling software. These sites are among the best in the world when talking about 3D Designing. Some sites have free trials, Shareware and Freeware to download so that you don't have to empty your savings account to try them. If your into this type of graphic dimension then take a look at our collection. Descriptions follow the available software company banners in full.

line outertechnologies - cacheman
Cacheman is a useful utility designed to help improve the performance of computer by optimizing the disk cache, memory and a huge number of other settings. Cacheman is able to prevent frequent paging to the hard disk, resulting in improved performance, system reaction time and stability. Wizards and predefined profiles make it suitable for novices and yet it is also powerful and versatile enough for the more experienced user. Cacheman also corrects generic problems on systems with more than 512MB RAM.


Online Game Painting and Game File Painting Graphics Tutorial Lessons
A Basic Learn How Tutorial
for Beginners or Pro's


File Detailing, Painting, Manipulating, Fonts
Descriptions of File Extensions, Instructions, Examples,
Graphics, Downloads, Information

main programs The Graphic programs in the far left column, particularly Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro will be the main directive in this painting tutorial.
If you do not have either one of these programs then we suggest trying the Free Trial for Paint Shop Pro. If you have another choice of programs be sure it has alpha masking and layering abilities.


main programs Most of your graphic programs available today have the same basic concept and format which makes them pretty much relative to each other. The tools and the tool names are 9 times out of 10 exactly the same across the board. The only changes between each program would be the tools detail precision and the general location of each tool. The best way to get better is using one or maybe two graphic programs. Stick with them and try to use the full benefits of each tool.
There are over 50 ways to accomplish any idea you may have, the best way is your own. If you make a mistake, don't sweat it. Just mouse up to that command that comes with almost ever program.

main programs Video Monitor Adjustments
If you would like to calibrate your video monitors gamma or color, try by clicking the linked icon below. Be sure to follow close directions. If you feel the slightest unsure then skip this step completely.
Most graphic programs have their own simple gamma/color adjusters. This pertains usually just to the programs settings. The calibration below is more of a global adjustment for your video monitor and if done correctly will make a definite improvement overall.
Monitors display colors by exciting phosphors to produce red, green, and blue light. Because these phosphors do not excite equally, they can produce distortions in the brightness, contrast, and color balance of images. For an example, if a computer reads the lightness value from a photographic image and sends it directly to your monitor, the displayed color will be dimmer than the original photograph.
To compensate for this non-linearity of phosphor excitation, you can alter the color values sent to your monitor. Use the Monitor Gamma Adjustment to adjust the values.


main programsPLEASE NOTE:
Adjusting Displays- Do Not Confuse These Settings with DIRECT3D or GLIDE Game Settings.

Calibration for Video Monitors
Calibration Tutorial
Lesson Tutorials & Downloads
airbrush Lesson 1 Graphic Program Preferences Setting
airbrush Lesson 2 How to Use Correct File Format Extensions
airbrush Lesson 3 Car Template - Starting to Paint Your Car
airbrush Lesson 4 Racing Font Styles and Applying to Car
airbrush Lesson 5 Applying Car-Show Type Graphics to Car
airbrush Lesson 6 Create Chrome Effect on Objects w/3D Max
airbrush Lesson 7 450+ Free Special Effects Plug-in Filters
airbrush Program Microsoft Photo-Editor Download

Red Green Blue

Made for Microsoft Windows

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