
(This index will appear on our Technical System Informational Pages for Easier Access)
SYSTEM TUNING (main) PC Complete System Tuning - Optimization, Calibrations Etc...
AWARD BIOS BIOS Setting - Tech Terms Information
GAMERS AWARD BIOS 1 BIOS Optimization - Tutorials about your BIOS
GAMERS AWARD BIOS 2 BIOS Optimization- Our Favorite BIOS Settings
BIOS UPDATES BIOS Flashing - Tools /Utilities /Downloads /Information
VIDEO CALIBRATION Calibrating Video Displays - Gamma /Color /Free Software
CONNECTION SPEEDS Increase Speed - Cable /DSL /Modems /Updates /Software /Testing
INTERNET SPEED TESTING Internet Connection Speed Test - Test Cable/ISDN /DSL /Modems
HIGH TECH FORUMS High-tech Forums - Benchmarking / Help / Hardware /Software
TWEAKS & TUNING High-tech Programming Tools - CPU, FSB, RAM, Tech Programs
HARD DRIVE SPEED Jumpers & Transfer Modes - Helpful and Thorough Information
RAM CHIP MODULES - DIMMS/SIMMs Examples of RAM - View modules used in today's Computers
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Top Dll Files Downloaded
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Top Dll Files Downloaded
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Top Ocx Files Downloaded

Gamers Systems Tuning, BIOS Tuning, Setting, Flashing, Internet Connection Performance, Video Monitor Calibrations


Resistor Color Codes
Resistor Color Codes values
Resistance Values


How Stuff Works - The Motherboard
How Motherboards Work

BIOS Upgrading Information

phoenix logo
phoenix bios Phoenix BIOS - Desktop Computer
note bios Note BIOS - Notebook Computer
server bios Server BIOS - Servers
Beep Codes and Upgrades

Award Software
Developed by phoenix
Replacements / Upgrades
for Award BIOS products


Code Location
Wins bios


AMI Bios


Code Location

Wins bios


Phaselink company
PLL stands for Phase Locked Loop.
PLL's are the devices that create the
CPU frequency. In many cases these frequencies can be manipulated to
increase CPU power


Virtual Machine Java Downloads
are also available here from
Microsoft and Sun Microsystems


PC PitStop


64 bit Hyper transport analyzer download
This tool, the Hyper Transport Analyzer,
can be run on any AMD64 based system regardless of vendor, and displays the actual bus width and frequency, both upstream and downstream, of the Hyper Transport link between the CPU and Chipset.

Last motherboard
Optimal Performance

Gamers Systems Tuning
BIOS Tuning, Setting, Flashing
Internet Connection Performance
Video Monitor Calibrations, Hard Drive Jumpers and Transfer Modes

Gamers Systems Tuning, BIOS Tuning, Setting, Flashing, Internet Connection Performance, Video Monitor Calibrations

Gamers Systems Tuning
Tuning Main Page - Your Here Shareware and Freeware List
Hard Drive Speed - Jumpers & Modes Everything you should know about your Harddrives devices
AWARD BIOS - Settings AwardBios
Gamers BIOS 1 - Tutorial and Settings GamersBios
Gamers BIOS 2 - Our Favorite Settings GamersBios 2
BIOS Flashing and Utility Downloads bios downloads
Video Display Calibrating & Software Calibrate your video displays to industry standards
Cable, DSL, ISDN, T-Lines, Modems Cable, DSL, Modems, T lines, ISDN, Infra-Red
Online Connection Bandwidth Test online speed testing and bandwidth, ping and tracert
RAM / DIMMs / SIMMs - descriptions Ram chip modules
High-Tech Geek Forums Listing Tech Geek Forums
Overclocking - High Tech Programs high tech overclocking programs and information
System Registry - Title Definitions Registry Definitions
PCI & PCI Express Slots Viewed PCI & PCI Express Slots Viewed

Downloads located on appropriate pages

CPU Update info for ABIT Kt7/Kt7-Raid Shareware and Freeware List
Display BIOS# & Manufacturers Shareware and Freeware List
Display Your Chipset info Shareware and Freeware List
AMI-BIOS ID Utilities Shareware and Freeware List
Awards BIOS Utilities Shareware and Freeware List
High Speed Video Tool for Pent. Pro+ll This tool increases High Speed Video for Pentium, Pentium Pro + ll
Overclocking Tools Overclocking Tools
More Downloads downloads

System RAM Upgrade Test

Online Memory Ram chip updating Test Scanner
click chip to start
This Test Scans Your System... After Which the Test Shows You Exactly What Would Be the Best RAM Upgrade for Your Specific Computer System. This Test Will Also Give Your Present Memory Configuration and Prices for Various RAM Chip Upgrades and Maximum Sizes for Your Motherboard.

Crucial Technology


The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.


hotlinks hot links hot links 2 RLC red tachometer to System Tuning
Resources for System BIOS Setups and Optimizing Your Systems Initial Boot String.
Calibrate Your Monitor to Industry Standards Tutorial with Genuine Adobe Software or Enable High Speed Graphics for Pentium Pro & II.
Internet Speed Testing for all Connections and High-Tech Forum Listings, Rated in Top 50 Searched Sites on W.W.W.
Hardrive information, Pin settings, motherboard companies, cable connector wiring diagrams.
Besides the above, this section of RacelineCentral.com is for the new computer owners and the pro.
The information is instructional as a Tutorial and is very understandable. These pages are a series of sections to help you learn about your systems settings. You may of been unsure about making adjustments in the past or afraid to try. Now you can make adjustments with confidence.
There will be many downloadable files to help you with your systems at this website. Please be sure to read carefully concerning your operating system recommendations.
We hope you enjoy the information we have prepared for you here at RacelineCentral, but most of all...stop back anytime and enjoy our site.

Microsoft Windows System Boot Disk
MS-DOS v6 disk
MS Windows 95 & 95a Microsoft Windows System Boot Disk
MS Windows 95b (OSR2) disk
MS Windows 98 & 98SE disk
MS Windows ME disk
MS Windows NT4 Workstation Server disk
MS Windows NT4 Terminal Server disk
MS Windows 2000 Pro disk
MS Windows 2000 Server disk
MS Windows XP Home edition disk
MS Windows XP Pro & Corp disk
MS Windows XP Home SP1 disk
MS Windows XP Pro & Corp SP1 disk
MS Windows XP System Setup Disk Microsoft Windows System Boot Disk
Resources for Your Video Display Calibrating:
www.Adobe.comRGBComplete Video Display monitor calibrating
step 21
Calibrate any display adapters to Web or Printing standards. Tutorial, Software and information for adjusting your display and will guide you to properly adjusting your viewer video.
Locating Your Motherboard's BIOS Code:
Many users don't know the name of their clone motherboard. This is because the company name is not mentioned anywhere in the manual, or on the motherboard. If you want to upgrade your BIOS you really have to know the motherboard manufacturer, because if you flash the wrong BIOS upgrade your system could stop booting.
Luckily, Award and AMI BIOS have a unique BIOS ID (= BIOS Number) which identifies the manufacturer and chipset of the board. Phoenix BIOS's, in most cases, do NOT.
The AMI or Award BIOS id appears at the bottom of your screen after power on, during memory count up. The PAUSE key should work at that point, allowing you to write down the BIOS number, the BIOS date, and the version. You must copy it exactly.
A much easier way to get the Award/AMI BIOS number & possible manufacturer is by using CTBIOSv1.5. Run this download and it will give you the BIOS number, possible manufacturer and more. If you want to know the name of your chipset you can also download CTPCI330.zip.
If your Mother Board has an AMI BIOS you can also try the AMIBIOS ID  Motherboard Utility (written by AMI).
How Does a Computer Boot Up?:
Describes the complete step by step process that most computer operating systems have to take to Power On, load required files, drivers, programs etc... and work for you.
Need to Use a Calculator?
Use this Online calculator anytime you would like. It has many available calculations available for your resource needs
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V-BRUN Virtual Basic - All Versions 1 to 6 V-BRUN Virtual Basic All Version 1 to 6
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